Piringer Jörg
born 1974. currently living in vienna, austria. member of the institute for transacoustic research. member of the vegetable orchestra.
works as a freelance artist and researcher in the fields of electronic music, radio art, sound and visual electronic poetry, interactive collaborative systems, online communities, live performance, sound installation, computer games and video art.
recent publicationsrecent publicationsrecent publications
album & iPhone app: konsonant – sound poetry app and mp3 album
book: A Global Visuage herausgegeben together with Günther Vallaster et al., edition ch (A)
lp: three ideophones published by onomatopee (NL)
cd: ONIONOISE – the vegetable orchestra published by transacoustic research (A)
recent exhibitions, festivals und performances
kapittel festival 2013 – stavanger, no
tokyo sound poetry festival 2012 – tokyo, jp
literatur und strom 2012 – stuttgart, de
poetry festival 2011 – berlin, de
e-poetry 2011 – buffalo, usa
reVox 2010 – madrid, es
medienturm graz 2010 – graz, at
la bás biennale 2010 – helsinki, fi
honorary mention digital musics and sound art prix ars electronica 2010
prize of honor FILE PRIXLUX 2010 (são paulo, br)
content award vienna 2010
ZKM AppArtAward 2012 (karlsruhe, de)
album & iPhone app: konsonant – sound poetry app and mp3 album
book: A Global Visuage herausgegeben together with Günther Vallaster et al., edition ch (A)
lp: three ideophones published by onomatopee (NL)
cd: ONIONOISE – the vegetable orchestra published by transacoustic research (A)
recent exhibitions, festivals und performances
kapittel festival 2013 – stavanger, no
tokyo sound poetry festival 2012 – tokyo, jp
literatur und strom 2012 – stuttgart, de
poetry festival 2011 – berlin, de
e-poetry 2011 – buffalo, usa
reVox 2010 – madrid, es
medienturm graz 2010 – graz, at
la bás biennale 2010 – helsinki, fi
honorary mention digital musics and sound art prix ars electronica 2010
prize of honor FILE PRIXLUX 2010 (são paulo, br)
content award vienna 2010
ZKM AppArtAward 2012 (karlsruhe, de)
album & iPhone app: konsonant – sound poetry app and mp3 album
book: A Global Visuage herausgegeben together with Günther Vallaster et al., edition ch (A)
lp: three ideophones published by onomatopee (NL)
cd: ONIONOISE – the vegetable orchestra published by transacoustic research (A)
recent exhibitions, festivals und performances
kapittel festival 2013 – stavanger, no
tokyo sound poetry festival 2012 – tokyo, jp
literatur und strom 2012 – stuttgart, de
poetry festival 2011 – berlin, de
e-poetry 2011 – buffalo, usa
reVox 2010 – madrid, es
medienturm graz 2010 – graz, at
la bás biennale 2010 – helsinki, fi
honorary mention digital musics and sound art prix ars electronica 2010
prize of honor FILE PRIXLUX 2010 (são paulo, br)
content award vienna 2010
ZKM AppArtAward 2012 (karlsruhe, de)