Kordina Brigitte
Brigitte Kordina was born in Vienna and lives there. She studied painting at the Academy of fine Arts in Vienna and got her diploma in 1976. In 1968 she continued her studies at the Ècole des Beaux-Arts and Johnny Friedlaender in Paris. Between 1972 and 1977 she lived in Bonn, Germany returning 1977 to Vienna. In her artistic work she deals with painting, artobjects, intermedial concepts for various spaces and photography, but she also executed various commissions in public and private spaces. Kordina contributed to many expositions in Austria and abroad. In 1966 she recieved among others the Price of Honor of the City of Salzburg, in 1982 the first Price at the Biennale of the Graphic Arts in Riva del Garda, 1983 a first Price of the Cultural Councel of Vienna and in 1998 she recieved the Kulturpreis of the County Lower Austria. Kordina’s work has been published in numerous books and catalogues. About my work: Photography makes part of my artistic work. Starting with objects and installations in wich light plays an important part and because photography is based on light it permits me to go beyond the limits of objects into other dimensions as there are: reflexions of light or water, focusses of the sun or compositions with light itself. In addition nature forms an important source of inspiration to me approaching it for instance through photoseries and thus connecting time and space.